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Health coach working on her wellness program from a laptop

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Your Wellness Biz!

Hey, practitioners! Looking to make more money without taking on more one-to-one clients? I can help you launch a program that grows your income in the next 90 days. If this is you, apply now.

Yes! I want to create a money-making program on Practice Better!

Are you looking to automate your wellness biz  on Practice Better but feeling overwhelmed? I've got your back! Say hello to automation and bye-bye to the boring, time-sucking tasks that are holding you back!

Hey, I'm Shay Johnson and I created the Practice Better Jumpstart to help you automate your wellness biz fast! The Jumpstart will help you become client-ready faster than you can say, "kale smoothie"! Plus, you'll have access to loads of step-by-step tutorial videos, handy handouts, and even swipe files to guide you every step of the way. 

Special Intro Pricing $67
Membership Kickstarter Guide

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Membership Kickstarter

Thinking about starting a membership? Grab my free Kickstarter guide for some quick tips to help you start building the recurring income you’ve been after!

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